

  • The following settings are required:

    • TOWEL_MT_CLIENT_MODEL: The tenant model, e.g. clients.Client.

    • TOWEL_MT_ACCESS_MODEL: The model linking a Django user with a client, must have the following fields:

      • user: Foreign key to auth.User.

      • access: An integer describing the access level of the given user. Higher numbers mean higher access. You have to define those numbers yourself.

      • The lowercased class name of the client model above as a foreign key to the client model. If your client model is named Customer, the name of this foreign key must be customer.

  • All model managers have a for_access() method with a single argument, an instance of the access model, which returns a queryset containing only the objects the current user is allowed to see. The access model should be available as request.access, which means that you are free to put anything there which can be understood by the for_access() methods. The request.access attribute is made available by the middleware.

  • automatically fills in a created_by foreign key pointing to auth.User if it exists.

  • The form classes in, those being ModelForm, Form and SearchForm all require the request (the two former on initialization, the latter on post_init). Model choice fields are postprocessed to only contain values from the current tenant. This does not work if you customize the choices field at the same time as setting the queryset. If you do that you’re on your own.

  • The model authentication backend also allows email addresses as username. It preloads the access and client model and assigns it to request.user if possible. This is purely a convenience – you are not required to use the backend.

Models for multitenant Django projects

The models for have to be provided by the project where is used, that’s why this file is empty.

The simplest models might look like that:

from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.db import models

class Client(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=100)

class Access(models.Model):
    EMPLOYEE = 10

        (EMPLOYEE, 'employee'),
        (MANAGEMENT, 'management'),

    client = models.ForeignKey(Client)
    user = models.OneToOneField(User)
    access = models.SmallIntegerField(choices=ACCESS_CHOICES)

API methods can be protected as follows:

from towel.api import API
from towel.api.decorators import http_basic_auth
from import Resource, api_access

# Require a valid login and an associated Access model:
api_v1 = API('v1', decorators=[

Other views:

from import AccessDecorator

# Do this once somewhere in your project
access = AccessDecorator()

def management_only_view(request):
    # ...