.. _templatetags: ============= Template tags ============= ModelView detail tags ===================== .. module:: towel.templatetags.modelview_detail .. function:: model_details Yields a list of ``(verbose_name, value)`` tuples for all local model fields:: {% load modelview_detail %} {% for title, value in object|model_details %} {% endfor %}
{{ title }} {{ value }}
ModelView list tags =================== .. module:: towel.templatetags.modelview_list .. function:: model_row Requires a list of fields which should be shown in columns on a list page. The fields may also be callables. ForeignKey fields are automatically converted into links:: {% load modelview_list %} {% for object in object_list %} {% for title, value in object|model_row:"__unicode__,author %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %}
{{ value }}
.. function:: pagination Uses ``towel/_pagination.html`` to display a nicely formatted pagination section. An additional parameter may be provided if the pagination should behave differently depending on where it is shown; it is passed to ``towel/_pagination.html`` as ``where``:: {% load modelview_list %} {% if paginator %}{% pagination page paginator "top" %}{% endif %} {# list / table code ... #} {% if paginator %}{% pagination page paginator "bottom" %}{% endif %} As long as ``paginate_by`` is set on the ModelView, a paginator object is always provided. The ``{% if paginator %}`` is used because you cannot be sure that pagination is used at all in a generic list template. This template tag needs the ``django.core.context_processors.request`` context processor. .. function:: querystring URL-encodes the passed ``dict`` in a format suitable for pagination. ``page`` and ``all`` are excluded by default:: {% load modelview_list %} Back to first page {# equivalent, but longer: #} Back to first page .. function:: ordering_link Shows a table column header suitable for use as a link to change the ordering of objects in a list:: {% ordering_link "" request title=_("Edition") %} {# default order #} {% ordering_link "customer" request title=_("Customer") %} {% ordering_link "state" request title=_("State") %} Required arguments are the field and the request. It is very much recommended to add a title too of course. ``ordering_link`` has an optional argument, ``base_url`` which is useful if you need to customize the link part before the question mark. The default behavior is to only add the query string, and nothing else to the ``href`` attribute. It is possible to specify a set of CSS classes too. The CSS classes ``'asc'`` and ``'desc'`` are added automatically by the code depending upon the ordering which would be selected if the ordering link were clicked (NOT the current ordering):: {% ordering_link "state" request title=_("State") classes="btn" %} The ``classes`` argument defaults to ``'ordering'``. Batch tags ========== .. module:: towel.templatetags.towel_batch_tags .. function:: batch_checkbox Returns the checkbox for batch processing:: {% load towel_batch_tags %} {% for object in object_list %} {# ... #} {% batch_checkbox batch_form object.id %} {# ... #} {% endfor %} Form tags ========= .. module:: towel.templatetags.towel_form_tags .. function:: form_items Returns the concatenated result of running ``{% form_item field %}`` on every form field. .. function:: form_item Uses ``towel/_form_item.html`` to render a form field. The default template renders a table row, and includes: * ``help_text`` after the form field in a ``p.help`` * ``invalid`` and ``required`` classes on the row .. function:: form_item_plain Uses ``towel/_form_item_plain.html`` to render a form field, f.e. inside a table cell. The default template puts the form field inside a ```` tag with various classes depending on the state of the form field such as ``invalid`` and ``required``. .. function:: form_errors Shows form and formset errors using ``towel/_form_errors.html``. You can pass a list of forms, formsets, lists containing forms and formsets and dicts containing forms and formsets as values. Variables which do not exist are silently ignored:: {% load towel_form_tags %} {% form_errors publisher_form books_formset %} .. function:: form_warnings Shows form and formset warnings using ``towel/_form_warnings.html``. You can pass a list of forms, formsets, lists containing forms and formsets and dicts containing forms and formsets as values. Also shows a checkbox which can be used to ignore warnings. This template tag does not work with Django's standard forms because they have do not have support for warnings. Use :py:class:`~towel.forms.WarningsForm` instead. Variables which do not exist are silently ignored:: {% load towel_form_tags %} {% form_warnings publisher_form books_formset %} .. function:: dynamic_formset This is a very convenient block tag which can be used to build dynamic formsets, which means formsets where new forms can be added with javascript (jQuery):: {% load towel_form_tags %}
{% csrf_token %} {% form_errors form formset %} {% for field in form %}{% form_item field %}{% endfor %}


{% dynamic_formset formset "formset-prefix" %} {% enddynamic_formset %}
Field 1 Field 2
{{ form.id }} {% form_item_plain form.field1 %} {% form_item_plain form.field2 %} {{ form.DELETE }}
The formset-prefix must correspond to the prefix used when initializing the FormSet in your Python code. You should pass ``extra=0`` when creating the FormSet class; any additional forms are better created using ``towel_add_subform``.