.. _installation: ========================= Installation instructions ========================= This document describes the steps needed to get Towel up and running. Towel is based on Django_, so you need a working Django_ installation first. Towel is mainly developed using the newest release of Django_, but should work with Django_ 1.4 up to the upcoming 1.7 and with Python_ 2.7 and 3.3. Towel does not currently support Python_ 3.2 but patches adding support are welcome. Towel can be installed using the following command:: $ pip install Towel Towel has no dependencies apart from Django_. You should add ``towel`` to ``INSTALLED_APPS`` if you want to use the bundled templates and template tags. This isn't strictly required though. .. _Django: http://www.djangoproject.com/ .. _Python: http://www.python.org/